Bushfoods Species List
Discover a variety of native plants that produce delicious and nutritious edible fruits, nuts, and leaves. Perfect for creating a bushfood garden that celebrates Australian culinary flavours. View our bushfoods species list below of visit our Bushfoods Resources for recipes and more information about growing and cultivating your own Australian native bushfoods.
Please note, this is not a complete list of bushfood species available at our nursery. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, contact us directly, we’re here to help.
Bushfood | Citrus australasica | Finger Lime | Small tree 3-6 m. Aromatic leaves when crushed. Highly sought after fruit tree with citrus fruit 4-8 cm long and 1.5 -3cm wide. Fruit can be green, yellow, red or black. Full sun and fertilise once a year. Grown from seed. | |
Bushfood | Microseris lanceolata | Murnong / Yam Daisy | Perennial flower with edible tuberous roots. Tubers start to form in midsummer beneath clumps of yellow dandelion-like flowers. When the flowers blossom in autumn the roots are ready for harvest. Grows to 20 cm high by 20cm wide. Best in full sun but can be grown in dappled shade. Plant in a rich, loamy soil and water well during summer. | |
Bushfood | Davidsonia jerseyana | Ooray / Davidson Plum | A small often single stemmed tree to 6m with attractive foliage and edible purple plum-like fruit. Excellent indoor plant. Likes a well drained protected site in full / part sun. | |
Bushfood | Rubus rosifolius | Native Raspberry | Multi-stemmed shrub with prickly stems to 1.5m. Fast growing and suckering. White flowers and edible sweet red fruit. Great for jams and syrups. | |
Bushfood | Mentha satureioides | Slender Mint | Small herb with underground rhizomes. Small leaves have numerous oil glands providing delightful perfume. Cluster of tiny fringed white flowers in leaf axils. | |
Bushfood | Austromyrtus dulcis | Midyim | A spreading low growing shrub to 0.5m. Decorative pink to bronze new growth. Bears masses of white star-like flowers in early summer followed by edible fruit. Prefers a moist, open to semi-shaded position. | |
Bushfood | Podocarpus spinulosa | Forest Plum Pine | An uncommon shrub or small tree on sandy soils in open forest. Leaves are spirally arranged on branches. Edible bluish-black fruit. | |
Bushfood | Mentha australe | River Mint | Small herb with underground rhizomes. Small leaves have numerous oil glands providing delightful perfume. Cluster of tiny fringed white flowers in leaf axils. | |
Bushfood | Prostanthera rotundifolia | Round Leaved Mint Bush | Attractive shrub growing to 2 m. Aromatic foliage have a delicious savory flavour. Beautiful & profuse spring flowering of purple-pink flowers. Prune back after flowering to maintain bushy shape. Full sun/ part shade. Well drained soil. | |
Bushfood | Backhousia citriodora | Lemon Myrtle | Attractive versatile tree to 4m in a garden and up to 10m in rainforest. Leaves are paler below and strongly lemon scented when crushed. 5-petalled white flowers in clusters during summer. Leaves can be used in cooking & make a refreshing and calming tea. Can be pruned into a hedge. | |
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Wholesale Enquiries
For orders of 200+ plants, Brush Turkey Enterprises, our wholesale sister company, offers a diverse range of quality sun-hardened native stock including groundcovers, vines, rainforest, and more. With various pot sizes available, we cater to your needs.