
Vines Species List

Australian native vines are perfect for adding vertical interest and lush greenery to your garden. These versatile climbers provide habitat for wildlife, offer vibrant blooms, and can be used for screening or ornamental purposes. Browse our list to find the ideal native vine for your garden.

Please note, this is not a complete list of vine species available at our nursery. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, contact us directly, we’re here to help.

vinesCallerya megaspermaNative WisteriaRobust creeper with spectacular purple flowers in racemes to 15 cm long. Hardy and adaptable. Large compound 15-30 cm long leaves. Velvety seed pod. Butterfly host plant.
vinesClematis glycinoidesHeadache VineVigorous rainforest vine with large clusters of white star shaped flowers. Fluffy white seeds. Light vine for fences and shade structures.
vinesElaeagnus trifloraMillaa Millaa Vine
vinesEustrephus latifoliusWombat BerryLight twining vine with white or pale pink flowers in axillary clusters. Yellow to orange fruit opening to reveal black seeds with white aril.
vinesGeitonoplesium cymosumScrambling LilyScrambling vine with narrow bright green leaves. White-mauve flowers are on the end of the stem. Black globular fruit is bird attracting.
vinesHardenbergia violaceaNative SarsaparillaProstrate or twining vine. Leaves are leathery and prominently veined. Attractive purple flowers in racemes in spring. Flattened oblong seed pods. Hardy plant.
vinesHoya australisWax FlowerVine with waxy flowers and white milky sap. Found in drier rainforests and eucalypt forests,. Flowers autumn and winter. Great in hanging baskets.
vinesPararistolochia praevenosaRichmond Birdwing VineVigorous rainforest vine. Tubular flowers in spring and followed by yellow ribbed fruit in summer. Leaves are the only food source for larvae of the vulnerable Richmond Birdwing butterfly, A great climber for shaded to semi-shaded positions.
vinesPandorea jasminoidesBower of BeautyVigorous woody vine. Tubular pink flowers in spring and summer. Woody seed capsule with winged seed. Great for screening and over trellis.
vinesMelodorum leichhardtiiZig-zag VineVigorous twining climber with shiny leaves and brown fragrant flowers. Produces attractive and edible orange fruit. Responds well to pruning. Host plant for four-barred Swallowtail and Pale Triangle butterflies. Bird attracting. Part to full shade.

Wholesale Enquiries

For orders of 200+ plants, Brush Turkey Enterprises, our wholesale sister company, offers a diverse range of quality sun-hardened native stock including groundcovers, vines, rainforest, and more. With various pot sizes available, we cater to your needs.