Amazing Annoying Birds


Are brush-turkeys remarkable native birds admired for their uniqueness, or evil invaders intent on wreaking havoc in our gardens and destroying our backyards?

Not many native Australian birds are as controversial as brush-turkeys. Fed-up garden owners who find them no good, obnoxious, or a catastrophe stand against those who view brush-turkeys as uplifting and full of jaw-dropping surprises.

Read about the human-wildlife conflict and the uniqueness of this iconic Australian bird!

Here is what you'll discover in this first-ever comprehensive summary of all things brush-turkey:

- Reasons behind their relentless and daring move into our suburbs

- How the media portrays them as fearless invaders

- Little-known secrets about their unusual incubation methods and approach to child-rearing

- Promiscuous and mischievous happenings on the incubation mounds

- Devoted parents who invest in their young differently to other birds

- Indigenous cultural knowledge about these native birds

- Methods for deterring brush-turkeys from your yard

- Insider confessions from wildlife managers dealing with brush-turkey conflicts

- How you can help brush-turkey adults and chicks in the city

- Fun illustrations highlighting years of research into these birds

No matter if you love brush-turkeys or hate them, this book contains something for everyone: those who'd like to learn more about the surprising behaviours and adaptations of brush-turkeys, those who worry and want to find out how to deter them, and those who need to manage conflict with brush-turkeys in urban areas.

Authors: Ann Goth
Publisher: Lightning Source Inc
ISBN: 9780648603702

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