S.O.S - Save our Species


An illustrated book attempting to bring attention, in an amusing way, to the tragic destruction of so many of our native Australian animals.

This book is a collaboration between illustrator Jim Cox and environmental writer Elaine Green, who has captured the essence of the artwork with words that appear to speak directly to us, the reader!

In a unique way Elaine points out the careless and thoughtless behaviour that we inflict upon the lives of our unique animals ... with no apparent  recognition of the harm we do to them.

The images in this book are the result of Jim’s life-time passion for wildlife and a career spent as  artist and art teacher in Qld, NSW, Vic and SA. ​​

Not only an interesting and amusing book for children it is also informative for many Australian adults whose knowledge of our unique native animals is so sadly lacking. Military terms have been used intentionally as the relationship between Australians and their unique wildlife is surely on a 'war' footing.

Authors: Jim Cox & Elaine Green
ISBN: 978-0-646-86187-6

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